Merseyside Domestic Violence & Stalking Service exists to support women and girls affected by domestic violence and abuse. We’re a voluntary organisation based in Liverpool, offering support, advice and educational programmes aimed at breaking the cycle of abuse and aiding recovery

about us
Merseyside Domestic Violence Services create unified support for families affected by domestic violence and abuse. We’re a voluntary organisation based in Liverpool, offering support, advice and educational programmes aimed at breaking the cycle of abuse and aiding recovery. We provide services for women, families and men, including support and help for domestic abuse, stalking and for children and young people.
A Helping Hand
for Women & Girls
Guiding Children & Young People
change in Men
Community Cohesion
The Facts
Domestic abuse can be physical, mental, emotional, financial or sexual
Most children who live with domestic abuse are aware of it and are affected by it in different ways
The ethnicity of the perpetrator or victim makes no difference to levels of domestic abuse
Forced or non-consensual sex within a marriage is rape, the same as forced or non-consensual sex outside a marriage
Perpetrators of domestic abuse always have a choice about whether to use abuse, threats or other controlling behaviour in any situation
Some children from abusive homes do grow up to be abusive themselves. However, lots of children from abusive homes grow up without becoming abusive too

Working with Male Abusers
Merseyside Domestic Violence Services is targeting men in a bid to break the pattern of domestic abuse. It says despite 15 years of helping women the instances

Liverpool locals concerned about their behaviour can sign up for new community programme
A local service has launched a new programme to support people in Liverpool who are worried about their behaviour towards a partner or ex-partner. Make

Do you know what the ’55’ code is?
Recently a man was jailed after a violent attack on his girlfriend in her own home. The lady managed to call 999 whilst the attack

MDVS Successful in gaining £200,000 grant from the Home Office for male perpetrator work
MDVS have been successful in attaining a large grant to expand their work with male perpetrators. The £200,000 will allow us to work with ‘convicted’

Government response to domestic abuse during lockdown
During the COVID-19 lockdown it has been shown that domestic abuse calls throughout the UK have risen, due to the fact that victims are stuck

Lift the Lid
We will transform a disused container to create a Container Coffee Pod. Every cuppa will ‘lift the lid’ on domestic violence so that it is